Regency Giltwood Small Mirror 2729_mirror-site.jpg

Regency Giltwood Small Mirror

Chippendale Gessoed Mirror 2741_detail-4.jpg

Chippendale Gessoed Mirror

Queen Anne Japanned Mirror 2732_mirror-site.jpg

Queen Anne Japanned Mirror

Rococo Giltwood Overmantle Mirror 2728_overmantle-detail.jpg

Rococo Giltwood Overmantle Mirror

Pair of Adam Giltwood Pier Mirrors 2775_mirrors-site.jpg

Pair of Adam Giltwood Pier Mirrors

Pair of Giltwood and Grey Bole Mirrors 1915G1_SITE-1.jpg

Pair of Giltwood and Grey Bole Mirrors

Regency Convex Mirror 2667_in-situ.jpg

Regency Convex Mirror

Georgian Giltwood Mirror 2657_site.jpg

Georgian Giltwood Mirror

Cream Glazed and Gilded Mirror 6009i4_in-situ.jpg

Cream Glazed and Gilded Mirror

Manganese Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror 6009P2_detail-2.jpg

Manganese Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror

Broken Pediment Ceramic Mirror 7544B_3.jpg

Broken Pediment Ceramic Mirror

Adam Giltwood Oval Mirror 8209_mirror-site.jpg

Adam Giltwood Oval Mirror

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Floral Design 1915F2_site-detail.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Floral Design

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Scallop Detail 1915F4_detail.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Scallop Detail

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Droplet Detail 1915F3-Site-detail-3.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror with Droplet Detail

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror 1915F_Site_2.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror

Rococo Painted Girandole 2519B_Girandole-grey-2.jpg

Rococo Painted Girandole

Regency Convex Mirror Lm05_side.jpg

Regency Convex Mirror

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror - 40 in 1915B12_detail.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror - 40 in

Manganese Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror 6009P_In-situ.jpg

Manganese Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror

Baroque Parcel Gilt and Painted Mirror 7849_mirror-site-3.jpg

Baroque Parcel Gilt and Painted Mirror

Blue Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan 9544F-detail.jpg

Blue Glazed and Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Georgian Painted Mirror 2393_Detail-2.jpg

Georgian Painted Mirror

40 inch Neoclassical Mirrors 1915B10_site.jpg

40 inch Neoclassical Mirrors

Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan 9544E_Site-2.jpg

Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Neoclassical Circular Giltwood Mirrors 1915b6_detail-view.jpg

Neoclassical Circular Giltwood Mirrors

Baroque Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Baroque Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Neoclassical Giltwood Small Mirror 1915E4_Mirror_site-3.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Small Mirror

Georgian Walnut and Parcel Gilt Mirror 2299_Mirror-detail.jpg

Georgian Walnut and Parcel Gilt Mirror

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror 1915E2_in-situ.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror

Neoclassical Giltwood Rectangular Mirror 1915E_mirror.jpg

Neoclassical Giltwood Rectangular Mirror

Light Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan 6009L_in-situ.jpg

Light Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Dark Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan 6009K_in-situ-2.jpg

Dark Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Sunburst Mirror by Eve Kaplan 7550E_Site-Eve-Kaplan-Sunburst-2.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Sunburst Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Neoclassical Mirror - 25 in 1915D_Mirrors-Site.jpg

Neoclassical Mirror - 25 in

Neoclassical Gilded Mirror by Eve Kaplan 6009i_detail-3.jpg

Neoclassical Gilded Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan 7040C_EK-Slat-Gilt-Mirror-site.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Steel Mirror 7754B_Ave-Mirror-site.jpg

Steel Mirror

Baroque Cream Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan 7400D_Detail-2.jpg

Baroque Cream Glazed Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Small Gilded Ceramic Convex Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Small Gilded Ceramic Convex Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror 7551C_Eve-Kaplan-Convex-Mirror-Site-3.jpg

Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror

Neoclassical Circular Mirrors 30 in. 1915C_Angle.jpg

Neoclassical Circular Mirrors 30 in.

Pair of Neoclassical Mirrors 1915B_Mirrors-SIte.jpg

Pair of Neoclassical Mirrors

Ceramic Broken Pediment Mirror 6023_EK-Mirror-site.jpg

Ceramic Broken Pediment Mirror

Gilded Ceramic Convex Mirrors 6027_Mirrors-in-situ-5.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Convex Mirrors

Cream Glazed Ceramic Mirror 7550E_Ceramic-mirror-in-situ.jpg

Cream Glazed Ceramic Mirror

Ceramic Rock Form Mirror 7965_eve-kaplan-Blue-Rock-Mirror-site-2-in-situ.jpg

Ceramic Rock Form Mirror

Pair of Neoclassical Mirrors by Eve Kaplan

Pair of Neoclassical Mirrors by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Ceramic Convex Mirror 7399B_Convex-Mirror.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Ceramic Convex Mirror

Pair of Neoclassical Gilded Mirrors by Eve Kaplan 6009C_Gre_Mirrors_Eve-Kaplan.jpg

Pair of Neoclassical Gilded Mirrors by Eve Kaplan

Sunburst Mirror by Eve Kaplan 7381C_EK-Sunburst-Mirrors_Site.jpg

Sunburst Mirror by Eve Kaplan

Gilded Ceramic Girandole 7879_Ek-Gilded-Mirror.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Girandole

Black Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror 7551b_Convex Ceramic Mirror_site.jpg

Black Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror

Parcel Gilt and Steel Console and Mirror 7741_Consoles 2.jpg

Parcel Gilt and Steel Console and Mirror

Gilt & Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror 7411_Ek Mirror 2.JPG

Gilt & Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror

7554_Chrome Manganese_EK .jpeg 7554_-2-EK_Manganese-Mirror.jpg

Manganese & Chrome Glaze Ceramic Mirror

Ivory Black Glaze and Moon Gold Ceramic Mirrors 9544CD_Site.jpg

Ivory Black Glaze and Moon Gold Ceramic Mirrors

9544D_Mirror-Site.jpg 9544CD_Site.jpg

Ivory Black and Moon Gold Ceramic Mirrors

Gilded and Glazed Ceramic Mirror 7040_Kaplan_Parcel+Gilt+Glazed+Stoneware+Mirror.jpg

Gilded and Glazed Ceramic Mirror

Cream & Celadon Glaze Ceramic Mirror 7550_1 Detail.jpg

Cream & Celadon Glaze Ceramic Mirror

Blue & Green Glaze Ceramic Mirror

Blue & Green Glaze Ceramic Mirror

Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror with Amethysts Gilded and Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror

Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror

Chinoiserie Ceramic Mirror 7255_Eve Kaplan Chinoiserie Style Mirror low res-1.jpg

Chinoiserie Ceramic Mirror

Gilt & Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror 9780_Eve Kaplan_Parcel Gilt_Copper Glazed_Mirror-1.jpg

Gilt & Copper Glazed Ceramic Mirror

7400_Palladian Chrystalin Mat Glazed Mirror_site.jpg

Palladian Matte Ceramic Mirror

Cream Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror Cream Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror

Cream Glazed Ceramic Convex Mirror

Copper Glazed Ceramic Twig Mirror 9598_Kaplan_Rocaille_Twig_Mirror_Site.jpg

Copper Glazed Ceramic Twig Mirror

Ceramic Lozenge Mirrors by Eve Kaplan 9878bc_lozenge-2022-site.jpg

Ceramic Lozenge Mirrors by Eve Kaplan

Glazed Ceramic Twig Mirror 7287_Eve Kaplan twig Mirror.jpg

Glazed Ceramic Twig Mirror

7553_NEW SUNBURST_site.jpg 7553_EK_Sunburst.jpg

Gilded Ceramic Sunburst Mirror

9880_Eve Kaplan_Sunburst_dark-1.jpg 9880_Eve 005.jpg

Gilded & White Slip Ceramic Sunburst Mirror

7330_Rocaille Parcel Gilt White Slip Sunburst Mirror_EC.jpg 7381_Pair of Rocaille Sunburst Mirrors_low.jpg

Ceramic Convex Sunburst Mirror

Glazed Oval Sunburst Mirror 9571_Aug. 19, 2009 054.jpg

Glazed Oval Sunburst Mirror

7676_EK Sketch 3_site.jpg

Mirror Sketch


Mirror Sketch

Blue & Brown Glaze Ceramic Mirror

Blue & Brown Glaze Ceramic Mirror

7675_EK Mirror Sketch2_site.jpg

Mirror Sketch
